
More Disk Space™  


More Disk Space™  
Press Coverage  

More Disk Space™ has been reviewed in major industry publications.  Here are some quotations: 

".. a practical, inexpensive for users who are short of dis space." 
- Franklin Tessler   
MacWorld 9/92 

"In general, there's no time delay whatsoever, and Quark XPress opens much faster." 
- Jim Harris   
MacWEEK 4/6/92  

"...give More Disk Space™ a try." 
- Franklin Tessler   
MacWorld 9/92 

"...it's pretty much seamless" 
- Paul Frye   
MacWEEK 4/6/92  


 copyright 1998 by Alysis Software Corporation.  More Disk Space, SuperDisk!, eDisk, Compatibility INIT, the Alysis Resource Compressor, the Complete Delete, the Alysis Disk Expander, the Alysis Installer, and Safety Belt are tradmarks of Alysis Software Corporation.  DPI-On-The-Fly and the IPM are trademarks of NEC Technologies, Inc.